Sr | Books | Details | |
1 | Naeem-ul-Quran | Daily One or Two Pages | |
2 | Different Tajweedy Books Courses | Books Courses | |
3 | Tajweedy words | Practice Daily |
Tajweed means rules of recitation of the Holy Quran. In sura Muzzammil, verse 4 of the Holy Quran, Allah (subhananahu wa taala) commands: “and recite the Quran in slow measured rhythmic tones.” Therefore, the proper recitation of Quran is possible only when one knows the proper pronunciation of Quranic words as well as by adopting the reasonable speed while reciting. There are seven schools of Tajwid according to which we have to recite Quran. The most renowned school of Tajwid is known as Hafs.
According to our Tajwid courses especially designed by capable religious scholars, we introduce you to all rules of the Quran recitation in details. We seek out guidance from the most renowned books on Tajwid such as Jamal-al- Quran, Tusheel-ul-Tajwid, and Mueen-ul-Tajwid. Our professional and capable teachers teach the students the sources of pronunciation of different letters and their characteristics. Quranic verses are being exercised by our students keeping in view the proper rules for Tajweed.